Sermons on Christian Living (Page 5)

Sermons on Christian Living (Page 5)

The Winner’s Trophy

I want to begin with some Super Bowl trivia… I can win as verse 24 says a prize… There is a prize that is imperishable…

The Power Of Perspective

“How we view life, how we respond and react to circumstances is far more important than the circumstances itself. We need to look at life from a biblical perspective”… “If I am going thru a difficult week and all I see are my circumstances, then do no circumstances control me?”…

Paul’s Prayer For Knowledge Of Power

“We are going to need this great power to be a good employee, even to your earthly masters, who are not good bosses, who are there to exploit you to take advantage of you and to milk you dry. On the other hand we are supposed to be good employees…” “We should not live defeated lives, we have the power of God living in us.”

Spiritual Discernment

Reference: Romans 12:1-2 Discernment: The ability to judge well. The Source of Wisdom Romans 12:1-2: There is a new mindset that needs to pervade our thinking as Christians, and this new thinking is given to us “by the mercies of God”. “renewed mind” … “that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Philippians 1:9-11: The Philippians were incredibly loving people.  But Paul was urging them to frame their love in knowledge and discernment.  Love…