Donna’s Testimony

Donna’s Testimony

My life was going along great

I was raising my grandchildren and life couldn’t have been happier. Until, five years ago, on Christmas day, we were in a car accident that forever changed our lives. I lost my grandson and my granddaughter was severely hurt. I became depressed and laid on my couch for four months.  I was hopeless, helpless and wasn’t able to function.

GriefShare Rescued me

My friend told me about GriefShare at Oxford Valley Chapel.  When I came to GriefShare all I did was cry and didn’t talk to anyone.  Then I became friends with one of the participants from the church. Between coming to GriefShare and Cheryl’s friendship helped me get through my grief.  Other people from the church came along side me as well to help me to adjust to the new normal.

God’s Will

Pastor Dan met with me several times for one on one counseling.  His help and advice was very beneficial. He would read passages from the Bible and made me understand that the accident was God’s will.  As much as I miss my grandson, he is in a better place in heaven.

Stronger Faith

I continued to attend Griefshare and two years later I joined Oxford Valley Chapel.  My good friend Cheryl from GriefShare would meet me outside and sit with me until I became comfortable. I was saved in my thirties but my faith didn’t really grow at that time until I came to this church.  Going through grief with the help of the the GriefShare program, Pastor Dan, Robin, and my church family, I am at a better place in my life. Now, I’m helping in GriefShare, children’s church, and have many friends in church.  I’m a completely different person. My faith is stronger, I’m more confident, and a better person.

I think differently now

The best thing that ever happened to me was coming to GriefShare and to Oxford Valley Chapel. Mainly because of my church family and my growing faith that helps me get through life’s struggles.  I think differently because of the Biblical teaching at this church.

hope in God’s word

This is a broken world and life is hard.  But God’s Word gives us hope and we can get through anything with our faith.