Our Vision

To be known throughout Lower Bucks County as a place where lives are rescued and relationships restored.

Our Mission

Oxford Valley Chapel is passionate to rescue lives and restore relationships.  We rescue lives through saving faith in Jesus Christ.  We restore relationships through Biblical mentoring.  We invite you to join us in this life-changing mission.

Core Values

Our Core Values include Godly Servant Leadership, Bible-Centered Preaching and Teaching, Passionate Evangelism, Strong Christ-Centered Families, Discipleship/Counseling, and Prayer.

Godly Servant Leadership

As modeled by Jesus, we are committed to servant leadership.  Leaders are: grounded and growing in spiritual discipline; passionately and humbly serving others; devoted to mentoring and discipling future leaders to spiritual maturity and service.

Bible-Centered Preaching and Teaching

We hold that the Bible is God-breathed, without error, wholly trustworthy and the final authority in all things that pertain to life and godliness.  Therefore we are committed to teaching the Bible in its entirety.  Application is always present because faith without works is dead.

Passionate Evangelism

Through our church ministries we will create opportunities where hurting and unsaved people can come and learn through Scripture that their real need can only be satisfied by trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Strong Christ-Centered Families

As a church we firmly hold that the family is a foundational building block of Christian learning, obedience, and spiritual growth.  We strengthen families by training them to become Christ-centered homes.


Both individually and as a church we acknowledge Christ as the model.  We biblically counsel with all love, truth and wisdom for the purpose of progressive growth in Christ.


We hold firmly that individually and as a church that prayer is a form of worship that approaches God in:  praise and adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication and intersession.  We encourage and equip our members to pray diligently and fervently.